Introduction to Season one: Ceremony and Practice


Season 1: Ceremony + Practice

Welcome to season one of Ceremony, a podcast about storytelling, seasonality, rituals, and dreaming new worlds into being.

I’m Laura, a writer, editor, and book witch.

In my own practice, I am supported by plant, animal, and celestial relationships, and my work is guided by the seasons. I see storytelling as a way to dream together with the more than human world. I use ritual to deepen these relationships.

In my work, I guide others to use seasonality and ritual to sustain their own creative practices.

In the first season of the podcast you will hear from four writers who have been working on their most ambitious novels, and the rituals that support them.

The rituals range from the practical to the cosmic, from taking field notes to opening an animal channel with the unconscious.

This season is for anyone who would like to bring ritual support into their own creative projects.

I can’t wait to meet you there, in the ether, somewhere between the earth and stars.


Ceremony Podcast Season One, Episode two with stephanie edd


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