choose your adventure

My writing is guided by the seasons, celestial and earthly, and by plants and their spirits.

On this page, I have collected together essays, experiments, rituals, and writing guidance for every season.

I hope you will find something that strengthens your relationship to your own creative projects, and to our more than human allies.

Cardinal Earth, Capricorn

Cardinal Water, Cancer

  • Oceanic Feelings

    cardinal water: oceanic feelings, dreams, desires, intimacy

  • Three of Cups

    cardinal water: spiritual awakening, coven, love, community

  • Page of Cups

    cardinal water: queer mermaids, watery dreams, emotions, rain

Cardinal Air, Libra

Cardinal fire, Aries

Fixed Earth, Taurus

Fixed Fire, Leo

Fixed Water, Scorpio

Fixed Air, Aquarius

Mutable Earth, Virgo

Mutable Water, Pisces

  • The Hanged One

    mutable water: surrender, liminality, balance, suspension

  • Seven of Cups

    mutable water: illusions, hopes + fears, unknown pleasures

  • Liminality

    mutable water: liminality, precarity, recklessness

  • The Moon

    mutable water: the unconscious, hallucinations, psychic plane

  • Eight of Cups

    mutable water: confusion, hidden meanings, the moon, intuition

Mutable Fire, Sagittarius

Mutable Air, Gemini