Oceanic Feelings
Cardinal water: oceanic feelings, dreams, desires, intimacy.
I was an adult when I learned to swim, and I think that is why water is troubling and desirable to me, and why it appears in so many of my dreams and visions.
Hellbender: the Shock of Knowledge
Cardinal air: lightning knowledge, shock of awareness, excitement, fear.
The restless prickle of adolescent longing led Izzy beyond the invisible boundaries of the forest, and into a drinking game that had bloody consequences.
Ceremony Podcast Season One, Episode Five with B.K. Harbeke
One Halloween night, six friends decide to take a moonlit walk through the woods.
Only five come back.
A Ritual for The Underworld of your Writing
Fixed water: petrichor, deep wells, decay
The sun doesn't disappear. We just can't see it as much as in the height of summer. There is treasure in the void. There is gold in the dark.
Seven of Cups: Unknown Pleasures
Mutable water: illusions, hopes + fears, unknown pleasures
A snake isn't worse than a rose if you are looking for a way to kill a character. A jewel isn't better than a tornado if you want to move the action of your story somewhere else.
Ceremony Podcast Season One, Episode four with Matilde Pratesi
You are going into a state of trance and time just kind of goes and there's this sort of animal channel between the head and the hand and it's wonderful.
Voice and Style
Mutable air: research, reflection, voice
You unearth your work like an archaeologist discovers treasures, or a farmer pulls up crops.
Electricity in the Writing Workshop
Mutable fire: mass psychic currents, desires, teaching and learning
In the writing workshop, there is more free association than we admit, and there is more impossibility than the form officially allows.
The Cocoon of Writing
Fixed earth: salt crystals, haunted forests, deep rest
The cocoon is not about shame and fear and perfection but it does allow those elements to be held; it contains multitudes. It allows those things to decay and to be renewed. It is miraculous.
Tiny Acts of Witchcraft in Aase Berg’s Hackers
Fixed air: hacking, repurposing systems, linguistic play
Berg’s collection offers this small hope, this tiny act of witchcraft in a collection that both reproduces and interrogates patriarchal violence and its necrotizing effect.
Reproduction in Sara Tuss Efrik’s Persona Peep Show
Mutable fire: film screens, spectrality, excess
‘You want to pee in a red hood you want to lock yourself inside the house. You want to sleep with the wolf. You want to turn on the oven.’
The Beautiful Apocalypse in Skin Horse by Olivia Cronk
Fixed air: revelation, visions, futures
These everyday objects take on a plastic significance, the ashtray is a repository for waste, and the mingling of the ash with the ‘pink seat’ suggests an uneasy disruption of categories.
Everyday Witchcraft in Sian S. Rathore’s Wild Heather
Fixed earth: wild animals, practical witchcraft, poetry
Rathore’s poem ‘Alison Device (1594-1612), named for a Pendle witch, is a beautiful meditation on mortality and desire.
Haga, Haxan, Hag, Hawthorn
Cardinal earth: rapaciousness, growth, deep roots
Hedges, like lawns, are of no use to the witch unless they are overgrown, wild, and generative.
The Art of Deer Stalking
Fixed fire: blades forged in fire, revenge, steadfastness
For the proper adherence to ritual we had shaved our hair ultra-close, and smeared on a square of silver zinc.
Electric Light
Mutable fire: emergencies, cinematic glimmers, glowworms
The dark spools forward and I grip the branch. I lunge into the deep mud and my holy communion dress is ratted at the hem.
Rain-Sown Wheat
Fixed water: unfinished business, deep emotions, divination
We record this by leaving the work unfinished and unresolved. The absence is a space for grief.
The Sky Became the Perfect Colour and Back Again
Mutable air: the inner sky, imagination, psychosis
The water came in waves and washed gold summer through her bones. He was above her again, his hair deep silk on her face.