Ritual Support System for Writers
Fixed air: systems, ancient wisdom, collective practices
A grimoire is a magical handbook, typically containing spell craft, instructions for summoning and worshipping deities and spirits, incantations, recipes, hexes, curses, and cures. In short, a grimoire contains all the knowledge a witch might need for their practice.
A writing grimoire fulfils the same role, providing embodied, nourishing support for the magical act of creating new work.
You can use this space to create, adapt, and record your own writing rituals. This can become the container for all of your rituals, devotions, and divinations, and a space to process what your subtle body is experiencing when you generate, edit, and share creative work.
☄️ This space is for you to use as a magical diary, so that you can begin to connect the emotional, bodily, and psychic processes that occur in relation to your writing practice, and the work itself. I encourage you to use it however feels best for you. This could mean a daily, weekly, or monthly practice. It could mean an intermittent practice, for when you have a moment to yourself.