A Ritual for The Underworld of your Writing
Fixed water: petrichor, deep wells, decay
The sun doesn't disappear. We just can't see it as much as in the height of summer. There is treasure in the void. There is gold in the dark.
Seven of Cups: Unknown Pleasures
Mutable water: illusions, hopes + fears, unknown pleasures
A snake isn't worse than a rose if you are looking for a way to kill a character. A jewel isn't better than a tornado if you want to move the action of your story somewhere else.
Voice and Style
Mutable air: research, reflection, voice
You unearth your work like an archaeologist discovers treasures, or a farmer pulls up crops.
Tiny Acts of Witchcraft in Aase Berg’s Hackers
Fixed air: hacking, repurposing systems, linguistic play
Berg’s collection offers this small hope, this tiny act of witchcraft in a collection that both reproduces and interrogates patriarchal violence and its necrotizing effect.
Everyday Witchcraft in Sian S. Rathore’s Wild Heather
Fixed earth: wild animals, practical witchcraft, poetry
Rathore’s poem ‘Alison Device (1594-1612), named for a Pendle witch, is a beautiful meditation on mortality and desire.
Haga, Haxan, Hag, Hawthorn
Cardinal earth: rapaciousness, growth, deep roots
Hedges, like lawns, are of no use to the witch unless they are overgrown, wild, and generative.
Rain-Sown Wheat
Fixed water: unfinished business, deep emotions, divination
We record this by leaving the work unfinished and unresolved. The absence is a space for grief.
The Moon: Excitement of the Unconscious
Mutable water: the unconscious, hallucinations, psychic plane
Rachel Pollock writes that “in divinatory readings the moon indicates an excitement of the unconscious.”
Ritual Support System for Writers
Fixed air: systems, ancient wisdom, collective practices
This can become the container for all of your rituals, devotions, and divinations, and a space to process what your subtle body is experiencing when you generate, edit, and share creative work.
A Spell for Writer’s Block
Fixed water: working through, deep release, breaking open
You can work with this ritual to come back to creative centre whenever you are feeling blocked.
Fungal Magic and Mycelial Networks
Mutable earth: mycelial networks, field notes, fungal categories
In The Museum of Atheism, each chapter begins with a description of the fungus that has taken over the town of Rosewood, where the action happens. These descriptions act as field notes about real and imagined fungal forms
Year Ahead Spreads
Fixed air: future visioning, collective energies
What happens if you think about your projects not in terms of word counts, but in seasons? Could you be guided by a full seasonal cycle, from solstice to solstice, or Samhain to Samhain? Or could you work with your solar return?
Temperance: Genre Alchemy
Fixed fire: alchemy, energy, creative flows
Have you been feeling like you could use a change in your writing routine? Perhaps you would like to find a regular weekly slot to work? Or even something more drastic like a complete change in direction?
Two of Wands: Writing Sabbaticals
Fixed air: portals, balance, opposition
How do you build rest into your writing practice? When do you let the field lay fallow, and when do you let it grow wild?
The Devil: What is Story?
Cardinal earth: ambition, architecture, boundaries
When we read a story, temptation only works when we agree to it. Like the two figures here, we must submit to story.
Five of Pentacles
Cardinal earth: cathedral, winter, resources, the unknown
The Five of Pentacles appears to be about stuckness, and scarcity, but it can teach us a lot about the luminous mysteries.
Ace of Pentacles
Fixed earth: receptivity, plenty, earthly pleasures
If we keep frenetically trying to force our way through the world, we will lose sight of the luscious opportunities being handed down from the clouds.
Eight of Cups
Mutable water: confusion, hidden meanings, the moon, intuition
In this card, the figure doesn't notice the moon, and doesn't seem aware of how its guiding force is helping them on their way. The moon in the Eight of Cups is at once a sliver of waxing crescent moon and a full moon, or perhaps it is an eclipse.
Nine of Pentacles
Mutable earth: late summer, sexuality, harvest
Her serenity is apparent, the bird sitting peacefully on her head, the armful of produce, her calm view of the field, and a gentle hand on the pentacles, as though she isn’t too attached to them, doesn’t need to control them. There is plenty, she seems to tell us, there will be enough.
The Tower
Cardinal fire: heat, fire opals, intensity
A story is about the moment of unstoppable inevitability of knowledge or action: think of Greek tragedies, folk tales, revolutions, mysteries. Humans are wired to be hungry for these kinds of stories, because they help us to understand a chaotic and sometimes brutal world.