Cosmic Messaging
Mutable air: cosmic messaging, spiritual frequencies, intuition
Intuition and divination are key to practical magic. The individual magician’s intuition will dictate the results of their magic, even if they follow the precise same rituals as someone else.
Witchy writers know that this is true for their writing, too. They are open to channeling cosmic messaging, and they never look to others’ external results to dictate their own work.
The power of cosmic channeling means that the work can sometimes feel like an act of divination, as well as an intellectual practice.
Where can you channel cosmic messaging in your work?
If you are already working with your dreams, this is a wonderful place to develop your intuitive powers. Keep recording your dreams, and note the waking dreams you experience when you are writing. You will be surprised at how often a fundamental key to the work is hiding in plain sight, in the form of a symbol, or character in your dreams.
Use your favourite divinatory tools such as tarot or oracle decks, runes, the I Ching, throwing the bones, bibliomancy, herbal readings etc. If you don't work with divinatory tools already, pick one to get started, and learn how to listen to the comsic messaging that they help to divine.
Listen to conversations around you. So often a snippet of conversation will provide the spark to a new piece of work, or the missing element to an existing piece.
Open your intution to everything around you, and become a radio tuned to the cosmos. Listen and you will receive.