Writing as Sigil
Cardinal earth: initiating a sensory practice, intentions
A sigil is a powerful symbolic representation of your magical will. Traditionally, a sigil might be a pictorial symbol, a runic image, or a shape. A sigil can be anything that clearly signals your intention to your unconscious that you are performing a powerful, magical act.
Decide on a sensory practice, or ritual, that will send a message to the ego to quiet down, and let the deep work of writing begin. Some possible suggestions:
Use a burner with essential oil, light incense, or wear a specific perfume.
Work in the same space each time you sit down to write.
Pick a time of day and stick to it for writing. This could be the very early morning hours, or a mid-afternoon break from work. It doesn't matter when you can find this time, even if it is only a few minutes, it will help to focus your unconsious mind.
Use the same coffee cup each time.
Create a blend of tea for writing that you don't drink any other time.
Create a playlist of music, or a field recording of rainfall.
Wear the same colour every time you sit down to write.
Use a notebook for each new project you begin.
Whichever sigil you use. You are creating a container for you and your work that cannot be broken.